Chemistry Degree Structure - An Introduction

The material presented here will be constantly changing and will be updated and added to regularly. For regulations concerning entry to courses, you are advised to always consult the current Handbook of the Faculty of Natural Sciences (The Yellow Book). You may also find it useful to correspond with the Undergraduate Course Coordinator, Dr Willard Pinnock at [email protected]
In the future, it is expected that distributed teaching will become an integral part of our programme and this is being investigated via UWIDITE and the WWW.

Majors in Chemistry, Applied Chemistry and Food Chemistry

A major in Chemistry requires a total of 32 credits from Part II Chemistry courses which must include C21J, C22J, C23J, C31J, C32J, C33J.

A major in Applied Chemistry can only be obtained as a double major with Chemistry and, in addition to the major in Chemistry, requires the following courses: C24Q, C34Q, C34K or C34L, C26Q and C34J.

A major in Food Chemistry can only be obtained as a double major with Chemistry and, in addition to the major in Chemistry, requires the following courses: C24Q, C25P, C35Q, C25J and C34J.

Admission to Applied Chemistry and Food Chemistry courses is limited.

Course Descriptions


Since 1993, Preliminary Chemistry has been offered by a number of community colleges in Jamaica. For those students who have not passed 'A' level chemistry, this course is still taught at Mona but it is expected that it will be phased out as enrollments increase at the community colleges.
About 220 new students are accepted into Introductory (first year) Chemistry -C 10J and C 10K each year.


C21J, C22J, C23J, C31J C32J and C33J will each be evaluated as follows:

One 2-hour written paper                75%
Practical work                          20%
In course test                           5%

Practical work is assessed throughout the duration of the course. Students whose practical work is considered to be unsatisfactory are required to sit a practical examination of not more than six hours duration. Candidates must provide the ORIGINAL note books of their laboratory work at the practical examination. These must be certified by the laboratory course Supervisor and may be taken into consideration by the Examiners.

C31K, C31L, C31M, C31N, C32K, C32L C32M, C32N, C33K, C33L, C33M and C33N will each be evaluated as follows:

One 2-hour written paper                70%
Written course tests (2)          	10% 
Practical Work                        	20%

Practical work is assessed throughout the duration of the course. Students whose practical work is considered to be unsatisfactory are required to sit practical examination of not more than six hours duration. Candidates must provide the ORIGINAL notebooks of their laboratory work at the practical examination. These must be duly certified by the course Supervisor and may be taken into consideration by the Examiners.

C 25J will be evaluated as follows:

One 2-hour written paper               75%
In-course test                         10%
Practical work                         15%

Practical work is assessed throughout the duration of the course. Students whose practical work is considered to be unsatisfactory are required to sit a practical examination of not more than six hours duration. Candidates must provide the ORIGINAL notebooks of their laboratory work at the practical examination. These must be certified by the laboratory course Supervisor and may be taken into consideration by the Examiners.

C24Q, C25P, C26Q, C34Q and C35Q will each be evaluated as follows:

Two 2-hour papers         	       75%
One course test               	       10%
Practical work                         15%

Practical work is assessed throughout the duration of the course. Students whose practical work is considered to be unsatisfactory are required to sit a practical examination of not more than six hours duration. Candidates must provide the ORIGINAL notebooks of their laboratory work at the practical examination. These must be certified by the laboratory course Supervisor and may be taken into consideration by the Examiners.

C 34K and C 34L will be evaluated as follows:

One 2 hour paper                       75% 
One course test                        10% 
Practical work: work study programme or project 15%

Students will be required to satisfy the Examiners in both the written paper and the practical work separately.

C 34J will be evaluated as follows:

One 2 hour paper                       82%
Project                                18%


1. Candidates must satisfy the General regulations for the Degree of Bachelor of Science (except those relating to Support Courses) in addition to the following regulations:
2. The minimum standards for admission the programme are as follows:
Completion of Part I of the B.Sc. degree programme including passes in:

	(i) 	Introductory Chemistry (C 10J and C10K) at the prescribed level.
	(ii) 	Introductory Mathematics (M 10A and M 10B or M 10C). Consideration 
		will be given to those applicants with an appropriate grade in 
		Preliminary Mathematics (M08B and M08C) or `A' Level Mathematics  
		or its equivalent.
	(iii) 	Preliminary Physics (P04A and P04B) or its equivalent.

3. Admission to this programme is limited and candidates with good grades in C 10J and C10K will be given preference.
4. To be eligible for the award of the B.Sc. (Special) Chemistry degree, candidates must obtain:
(a) A total of 56 Credits by successfully completing the following Part II courses:

	(i)    C21J, C31J, C22J, C32J, C23J, C33J
	(ii)   Two courses from C31K, C31L, C31M, C31N
	(iii)  Two courses from C32K, C32L, C32M, C32N
	(iv)   Two courses from C33K, C33L, C33M, C33N
	(v)    One further course from (ii)..(iv) above.
	(vi)   A research project C37J.

(b) An additional eight credits selected from Part II courses in any subject area in the B.Sc. degree programme in Natural Sciences approved by the Department.
5. Candidates must successfully complete the Support Courses in Language: Exposition/Argument (UC120).

C 37J RESEARCH PROJECT (4 Credits) (Semester II)

This course is only available to students registered in the B.Sc. (Special) Chemistry degree programme.
C 21J, C 22J, C 23J, C 31J, C 32J, C 33J
Use of chemical literature. Methods of investigation; experimental design. Project writing and reporting. Investigation and written report on an approved topic.
Assessment of course work 40%, Written Report 60%.


At Part I, the following courses are taken for a total of 26 credits:

C 10J, C 10K         Introductory Chemistry
EC10A, EC10B         Introduction to Micro and Macroeconomics
SY13A                Introduction to Sociology
MS12A                Introduction to Management
MS15A, MS15B         Introduction to Financial Accounting, Cost and 
                     Management Accounting

At Part II, in addition to the CORE chemistry courses C 21J, C 22J, C 23J, C31J, C 32J, C 33J the following courses are taken to give a total of 58 credits:

MS20A                Principles of Marketing
MS25A                Financial Accounting I
MS23C                Introduction to Quantitative Methods
MS26A                Managerial Economics
MS25B or             Financial Accounting II
MS33D                Business Strategy and Policy
MS28D                Financial Management I
MS22A                Organizational Behaviour
MS27B                Business Law
MS29P                Introduction to Production and Operations 

PLUS 8 additional credits from Level II or Level II Chemistry Courses approved by the Department, together with one other one-semester (3 credit) Management Studies Course taken from Level II or Level III.


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